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Being Different is Perfectly Fine By Me

I love to do the "homestead" thing, but I may be only telling you all part of the story.

I'm not a full time blogger or full time homesteader by any stretch of the imagination.  I would love to be either (or BOTH actually) but the sad truth is that, like most of the people who dream of living off the land, I put in over 40 hours of my week at an assembly job.  While the picture below is NOT ME; it is a pretty accurate representation of what I spend a lot of my time doing.

There are TONS of things that I would love to do with my time (see any of my boards on Pinterest), but the time isn't always mine.  I'm just like most of America: I have bills, a mortgage to pay, etc.  While I don't have a car payment (both my hubby and my cars are both paid for old clunkers, and I'm fine with that), there are a lot of other things that eat into the money we make.

I'm going to try and post more often about the things I do.... and while it may always be in pictures, or may be a relatively short post, at least I will take the time to share.

I think we all have a little bit of wanting to "live off the land" in us; but most of us have to do it in a very unconventional way.

But being different is perfectly fine by me.

Until next time....


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